

👉 写作基础3.pdf




  • 主语:我
  • 谓语动词:不知道
  • 宾语:该如何完成任务
  • 状语:如果你不帮助我,真的
  • 定语:老师交给的



  • 主语(我):I
  • 谓语(不知道):
    • don't know
    • have no idea
  • 宾语(该如何完成任务):
    • 从句:how I can finish task
    • 动词不定式:how to finish the task
  • 状语 1(如果你不帮助我):
    • 从句:if you don't help me
    • 介词短语:without your help
    • 分词:you not helping me
  • 状语 2(真的):really
  • 定语(老师交给交给的)
    • 从句:which the teach gave me
    • 分词:given by the teacher


将第二步得到的可能性排列组合: 1×2×2×3×1×2=241 \times 2 \times 2 \times 3 \times 1 \times 2 = 24


  • 主语
    • 名词:The book is interesting.
    • 从句:
    • 从句不定式:
    • 动名词:
  • 宾语
    • 名词:
    • 从句
    • 动词不定式
    • 动名词:
  • 表语
    • 名词:
    • 形容词:
    • 介词短语:
    • 从句:
    • 动词不定式:
    • 分词:
    • 动名词:
  • 定语
    • 名词:
    • 形容词:
    • 介词短语:
    • 从句:
    • 动词不定式:
    • 分词:
    • 动名词:
  • 状语
    • 形容词:
    • 副词:
    • 介词短语:
    • 从句:
    • 动词不定式:
    • 分词:
  • 补语
    • 名词:
    • 形容词:
    • 动词不定式:
    • 分词:






Students study hard. Thus, they get good grades.

这里 Thus 可以同义替换为:therefore、hence、consequently、as a result、as a consequence、in other words


1. 原因状语从句

Because students study hard, they get good grades.

这里 Because 可以换成 since、as

2. 目的状语从句

Students study hard, so that they might get good grades.

so that 可以换成 in order that

3. 结果状语从句

Students study so hard that they get good grades.

这里 so...that... 翻译为「如此...以至于...」

4. 条件或状语从句

If they study hard, students will get good grades.

When they study hard students will get good grades.

这里的 will 可以换成 can、may 等其他情态动词,这种用法成为「主情从现」(比主将从现更有包容性)

5. 非限定性定语从句

Students study hard, which brings them good grades.

6. 限定性定语从句

Students who study hard can get good grades.


1. 原因状语从句变分词状语

Because they study hard, students get good grades.

Studying hard, students get good grades.

这从变为分词状语的时候,要注意 study 是看 they 而改变的,而不是 students,看下面这个例子的变化:

Because teacher teach well, students get good grades.

Teacher teach well, stuents get good greades.(去掉 Because,这里会变成两个句子,语法不成立)

Teacher teaching well, students get good grades.(这里变成 teaching 是看 teacher 而改变的,这类句子也叫做「独立主格」,因为 teacher 并不是主语)

2. 目的状语从句变分词状语

Students study hard, so that they might get good grades.

→ Students study hard, getting good grades.

3. 非限定性定语从句变分词状语

Students study hard, which brings them good grades.

→ Students study hard, bringing them good grades.

4. 限定性定语从句变分词从句

Students who study hard can get good grades.

→ Students studying hard can get good grades.

5. 目的状语变动词不定式

Students study hard, so that they might get good grades.

→ Students study hard (so as/in order) to get good grades.

6. 结果状语从句变动词不定式

Students study so hard that they get good grades.

→ Students study so hard as to get good grades.


将动词名词化,会显得非常 native。

1. 使用该动词同根的名词

China develops fast. This benifits the public

→ China's fast development benifits the public

2. 使用动名词形式

China opens up. This benifits the public.

→ China's opening up benefits the public.

3. 使用 of,组合使用

The fast development of China's opening up benefits the public.


  1. Because of their hard study, students get good grades. Because of 表示“因为”,还可以换成 due to、as a result of、owing to、on account of 等其他介词搭配
  2. Students get good grades by studying hard. by 可以换成 via 或者 through,表示“通过”或“借助”
  3. Students get good grades with their hard study. with 表示伴随


1. 强调句

It is students' hard study that brings about their good grades.

It is their good grades that students' hard study brings about.

需要强调哪一块内容,则放到 It is...that 中,其余成分照抄

2. 倒装句


Only through hard study can students get their good grades.

  • 完全倒装:Who are you?
  • 部分倒装: Here it is.


  • He does nothing. → Nothing does he do.
  • He is doing nothing. → Nothing is he doing
  • He has done nothing. → Nothing has he done.
  • He will have done nothing. → Nothing will he have done.


  1. Only 引导的状语:

    • You can solve the problem only in this way.
      • Only in this way can you solve the problm.
    • He decided to do the job only after he had got the training.
      • Only after he had got the training did he decided to do the job.
  2. 各种表否定的词汇(hardly、rarely、seldom 等)

    • They can hardly finish the job in such a short time.
      • Hardly can they finish the job in such a short time.
  3. Not...until...

    • The students won't have good grades until they study hard.
      • Not until they study hard will the students have good grades.
  4. Not only...but also...

    • He not only was absent, but also didn't inform us in advance.
      • Not only was he absent, but also he didn't inform us in advance.

🔥 注意:

第一句 not only...but also 并列的是两个动词 was he didn't inform

第二句并列的是两个分句 he was absent 和 he didn't inform us

(💡 可以理解为第一句 but 连接的是两个动词,而后一句 but 连接的是独立从句)