

👉 课件 PDF: Unit 6



  • 确定事实:If + do, do
    • If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.
    • If you do not water your plant, it dies.
  • 可能发生:if + do, will do
    • If you pour water onto your computer, it will be broken.
    • If you do not water tha plant, your mom will be angry.



  • 对现在/将来的虚拟:If + did, would/should/could/might do

    • If I were an instafamous, I would/should/could/might be rich now.
    • If he had more free time, he could learn a new skill.
    • If I became an instafamous in the future, I would/should/could/might travel around the world.
    • If I were to become an instafamous in the future, I would/should/could/might travel around the world.
    • If I should become an instafamous in the future, I would/should/could/might travel around the world.

注意对于现在的虚拟来说, be 动词必须要用“were”,无论主语是单数或第一人称

对于将来的虚拟来说,be 动词可用可不用”were“

  • 对过去的虚拟:If + had done, would/should/could/might have done
    • If I had known better, I would/should/could/might have studied English harder.
    • If I had known better, I would/should/could/might not/never have given up my English skills.

例子:If I (work) hard, I (go) to a better school.

有 5 种可能:

  1. work; will go(常见,比如入学第一天会这样讲)
  2. work; go(不常见,太肯定了)
  3. worked; would go(不常见,虚拟本身就不可能发生)
  4. had worked; would have gone(常见,比如毕业之后会这样讲)
  5. had worked; would go(这里条件是对过去的虚拟,但是结果是对未来的虚拟,可能存在于高考结束,然后得到差成绩之后发出的感叹)


I should not have watched the file. (电影已经看过的,但是希望没有看过,一般用于后悔看过的场景)

I wish you would be happy every day.

You could help me.(你不会帮我)→ Could you help me?(这句话其实虚拟语气,一些语法会认为是委婉表达)

I would like to do.(同上分析)

Would you like some drink?(同上分析)