
Colon & Semicolon 冒号,分号以及其他符号

Colon 冒号

linking function 连接功能:

  1. List 列表:We needed to find three items on the scavenger hunt : a four-leaf clover, a cauldron, and a abandoned ship.
  2. Items 项目:I only wanted one thing from the grocery store : peanuts.
  3. 引用:My friend Liz says it best: "Never open a jar of pickles you can't close"

Separator 作为分隔符:

  1. 标题: Bear Man: Adventures in Alaska
  2. 章节:1 Corinthians 13:4
  3. 时间 It is now 10:09 AM.

Semicolon 分号

  1. 分割意思相近的两个独立的句子:I have a big test tomorrow; I can't go out tonight.
  2. 分割复杂的列表:
    1. I have lived in many cities: New York, NY; San Francisco, CA; and Knoxville, TN.
    2. I need to buy a textbook, a workbook, and a dictionary for Spanish; a calculator for math; and a map for geography.

Italic 斜体 & Underline 下划线


  1. Emphasis 强调:I really want to go to the concert.
  2. Titles 标题:The book The Catcher in the Rye is a classic.

Quotation Marks 引号

  1. 引用:My mom said, "You need to clean your room."
  2. 大项中的小项:Free Hand Album "On Reflection" is a great album.(Free Hand Album 是专辑名,On Reflection 是歌曲名)


Parenthesis 括号


  1. 额外信息:The cookie (which was still warm) was delicious.
  2. 引用信息:Paige says, "Oh no, a tiger!" (Finch, Life and Times, p. 38)
  3. 插入信息:"Furthermore, (coughs) I must firmly state that."

Dash 破折号


  1. Interrupt structure 中断结构:I ran to the bus stop -- but the bus had already driven away.
  2. Can act like parenthesis in pairs 可以像括号一样:The bug -- which landed on my nose -- had to be the size of a size of a softball.
  3. Used like a colon 像冒号一样:I have only ever wanted one thing -- SNACKS.
  4. Indicates interruption in speech 表示对话中的中断: "watch out for that--" WHAM.

Hyphen 连字符

随着互联网的发展:on line -> on-line -> online

  • hyphenated compound words 由连字符连接的复合词:on-line
  • compound words 复合词: online

Ellipsis 省略号


  1. Indicate a pause 表示停顿:I don't know... I just don't know.
  2. Shows that a portion of quoted material has been taken out 表示引用材料的部分被省略:"Words are ... our most inexhaustible source of magic."--Albus Dumbledore