Commas 逗号和引号
Commas 逗号
Three ways to end a sentence 三种方式结束一个句子:
- Period 句号:
- Exclamation 感叹号:
- Question 问号:
Comma 逗号: Separate sentence elements 能够分割句子元素
- List 列表:Tofu, spam, and seaweed
- Date 日期:July 11, 1981
- Other 其他:Basically, everything is great!
- 开头:
Dear Prudence,
I received the plum jam you sent me.
- 结尾:
With love,
Bruce Ben-Bacharach
用逗号分割地址:Nero Wolfe, 454w 35th St, New York, NY 10001
用逗号分割日期:On Tuesday, October 5th, 2010, I ate a cricket.
Introductory Element 引导成分:指句子开头、由逗号分割的部分,比如从属从句或者副词
比如 When you come in, please take off your shoes. 这里「When you come in」就是引导成分
Tag Question 附加疑问句:在陈述句或者命令句之后加一句疑问句:
- You like cheese, don't you?
- This won't hurt, will it?
Direct Address 直接称呼:用逗号分割直接称呼的部分
- Paige, would you like some more tea?
Yes or No 问句:在句子中间加逗号分割的问句
- Yes, I would like some more tea.
- No, I don't want any more tea.
- Guillermo said, "I have no idea where I put that moonstone."
- "They're probably pirates," Roxane said.
Appositive 同位语:用逗号分割同位语
- My older sister, Griselda, is going to college in the fall.
Apostrophe 引号
- Contractions 缩略词:I will = I'll, He is = He's, She would = She'd, will not = won't
- Possession 所有格:the cat's tail
- Plurals 复数:i's and t's(表示字母的复数)
Plural Possession 复数所有格的写法:
- the dog's bone(单数)
- five dogs' bones(复数)
- the dogs' favorite park(复数)
这里的引号只和 dog 有关,不和 park 有关,这一句是说“多条狗狗喜欢的公园”
- The Harpers' house(复数)
- men's, women's, mice's, children's
it's、 its 的区别
- it's 是 it is 或者 it has 的缩写
- It's a lovely day outside.
- It's been one week since you looked at cheese.
- its 是所有格,表示它的,这个词比较特殊,不需要使用引号
- I like rib-eye steak because its rich flavor.