Preposition 介词
Preposition 介词:Where?When?How?
🏠 Where 解释地点
🕒 When 解释时间
🏹 How 解释作用
🕐 After 之后
- The bats come out after the sun goes down. 太阳下山之后蝙蝠就出来了。
🕑 At (Precise)精确的时间点
- The vampire wakes at 10 p.m. 吸血鬼晚上 10 点醒来。
🕒 Before 之前
- Can you take out the garbage before you leave the house? 你能在离开家之前把垃圾拿出去吗?
🕓 By(Precision of end)精确的结束时间,但开始时间比较模糊
- This place had better be clean by 3 p.m. 这个地方最好在下午三点前打扫干净。
🕔 For(Duration)时间段
- I have been a chef for forty years. 我当厨师已经四十年了。
🕕 In (Bounded Duration) 有限的时间段
In March 在三月
In The Middle Ages 中世纪
🕖 On(Specific Day)指定的时间
- On the 4th of July, many Americans watch fireworks and eat encased meats. 在 7 月 4 日这一天,许多美国人会看烟火,吃包肉。
🕗 Since(Precise beginning)精确的开始时间
- Since 1974, our company has made nothing but toasters. 自1974年以来,我们公司只生产烤面包机。
🕘 Until(Precise ending)精确的结束时间
- You have until midnight to rescue the Ambassador, break the curse, and save Prince Wilbur. 你们必须在午夜前救出大使,打破诅咒,救出威 尔伯王子。
💡 补充
- 在空间感、立体感或者过程感的语境中,用 in(面)
- 在平面感、边沿或者线性感觉的语境中,用 on(线)
- 表示具体点位用 at(点)
- in the street 在街道上, on the road 在路上:街道是立体的(参照街道两边),而路是平面的(参照路的表面)
- in the corner 和 at the corner 的区别:in the corner 指的是在角落里,at the corner 指的是在角落处
- 延伸到词组上
- be good at 擅长做某事(“do well in”,虽然也表示擅长做某事,但是“do well in”表示多个方面都做的好,某一方面做的也好,而 be good at 单指某一方面做的好)
- put pressure on 给某人施加压力
- be busy in doing sth. 忙于做某事
🧩 About(Subject)主题
- Tell me about yourself! 告诉我关于你自己的事吧!
🧩 By(Agent)代理
- The book was written by Sudhir. 这本书是 Sudhir 写的。
🧩 For(Use)用途
- It's for chipping wood. 这是用来劈柴的。
🧩 Of(Belong)归属
- the great green dragon of Inverness. 因弗内斯的绿巨龙
🧩 With(Together)一起
- There goes that snail with the painted shell. 那只带着彩绘壳的蜗牛走了
Compound Preposition 复合介词
❄️ Between(Consider individual)认为是个体
- The firefly zipped between the raindrops. 萤火虫在雨点之间快速移动。
- What do you want to watch? I can’t decide between “Humdinger!” And “Police Cat”. 你想看什么?我决定不了是“Humdinger!”还有“警察猫”
❄️ Among(Consider collectively)认为是集合
- Ashley and Cyrus frolicked among the daisies. 希礼和塞勒斯在雏菊丛中嬉戏。
- Among the ideas you’ve had, I like this one best. 在你所有的主意中,我最喜欢这个。
❄️ Around
- The fox ran around the tree. 狐狸绕着树跑。
- The mayor talked around the issue. 市长绕开了这个问题。
❄️ Against(Opposition)反对
- Rudyard leaned heavily against a tree. 拉迪亚德重重地靠在一棵树上。
- Georgie campaigned against clog dancing. 乔治发起了反对跳木屐舞的运动。
❄️ Within(In)里面
There is a frog within the pond. 池塘里有一只青蛙。
Who can say what is within Ralph’s heart? 谁能说出拉尔夫的内心?
❄️ Without(No with)
- He complied without argument. 他没有争辩就服从了。
❄️ Inside(In/Within)
- What’s inside the box? 盒子里有什么?
- What’s inside her mind right now? 她现在在想什么?
❄️ Beyond(Far away、Past)
- Beyond those mountains is Terrell’s kingdom. 山那边就是特雷尔的王国。
- This strawberry’s flavor is beyond anything I’ve ever had before. 这草莓的味道比我以前吃过的都好。
Prepositional Phrases 介词性短语
1️⃣ 名词 As nouns
To steal the Queen’s diamonds would be a terrible crime.
2️⃣ 形容词 As adverbs
I would enjoy exploring the Cathedral of Glass.
3️⃣ 副词 As adjectives
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveler returns. (From Hamlet abount dealth)
🧔♂️: I knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith.
👦: What was the name of his other leg?
Solve the problem: I knew a man named Smith who had a wooden leg.
Terminal Preposition 结束介词
Terminal Preposition 结束介词:以介词作为句子结束,例子:
👉 It’s a crazy would we live in.
👉 That’s not behavior I will pull up with.