Verb 动词
Verb can:
- Show actions. 表达动作。
- Link ideas. 联系(链接)想法
All sentences contain verbs. 所有的句子都包含动词。
🌰 Example:
🐻 The bear roars.
🐻 The bear runs.
🐻 The bear sleeps.
Verb Agreement 动词一致性
📍 The dog barks.
📍 The dogs bark.
bark /bɑːrk/ 吼叫
❌ The dog bark.
❌ The dogs barks.
📍 Jake bakes cake.
📍 We bake cake.
bark /beɪk/ 烘焙
❌ Jake bake cake.
❌ We bakes cake.
👿 《指环王》中有一个叫做 Gollum 咕噜的生物,它讲的话就违背 verb agreement,每一个动词都加上 s,比如它不说“I love it”,而是“I loves it”。
Verb Tenses 动词时态
🧙♂️ Tenses, or time wizard who can tell stories span all of time. 时态,或者叫做时间魔法师,掌握了时态,讲述故事的时候,你就可以跨越任意时间维度:
Past 过去 ↔️ Present 现在 ↔️ Future 未来
🌰 Example:
I talked ↔️ I talk ↔️ I will talk
The Present Tense 现在时
Taking place right now.
📍 I eat a donut.
donut /ˈdoʊnʌt/ 甜甜圈
📍 Louise don't want catapult.
catapult /ˈkætəpʌlt/ 弹弓
📍 The water is super cold.
📍 Bertie is singing in the shower.
The Past Tense 过去时
Stuff that has already happen.
Flag: -ed ending.
📍 Present tense: I walk to the moon.
📍 Past tense: I walked to the moon.
The Future Tense 将来时
Stuff that is happening in later than now.
Flag: will
📍 Present tense: I eat this cupcake.
📍 Future tense: I will eat this cupcake.
Linking Verb 系动词
- Show actions
- Link ideas
那么,对于第二种作用的动词,我们称它为 linking verb 系动词。
🌰 Example:
🐻 The bear eats a fish.
🐻 The bear is hungry.
💡 第一句中,动词 eats 是动词的第一种作用,即表达动作;而第二句中,系动词 is 是第二种作用,它把 饥饿的状态 (idea) 和 bear 给链接 (linking) 了起来,表示「这只熊是饥饿的」。
🐻 The bear looked at me.
🐻 The bear looked lonely.
💡这两句中,都用了同一个动词 looked,但作用不一样。第一句中,looked 表示动词,即「熊在看着我」;而第二句中,looked 则是系动词,它把 孤独 这种状态(idea) 和 bear 给 🔗 linking 了起来。
🐻 The bear smells a person.
🐻 The bear smells like cinnamon.
cinnamon /ˈsɪnəmən/ n. 肉桂 a. 肉桂味的
Helping Verb 助动词
- Show actions
- Link ideas
- Helping other verbs. 帮助其他动词
Helping verb 比较偏拉丁语化、正式化的称呼是 auxiliary verb(辅助动词)。
auxiliary /ɔːɡˈzɪliəri/ a. 辅助的 n. 助手;助动词
助动词其实是 have 和 be 的曲折变化形式而已。
🌰 Example:
🍕 Brian is eating a Pizza. 布莱恩正在吃披萨。
🍕Brian has eaten a Pizza. 布莱恩之前已经吃了一个披萨了。
🍕Brian was eating a Pizza. 布莱恩之前在吃披萨的过程中发生了一些事情。
🍕Brian had been eating a Pizza. 布莱恩之前在吃披萨,但是在某个点他停止了。
The Irregular Verb 不规则动词
Regular Verb 规则动词:
talk 👉 talked 👉 will talk
Irregular Verb 不规则动词:
ran 👉 run 👉 will run
Verb 动词 | 1st Pres. 第一人称 现在 | 3rd Pres. Sg. 第三人称 现在 单数 | Plural Pre. 复数 现在 | 1st Past 第一人称 过去 | Plural Past 第一人称 过去 |
be | I am | she is | we are | I was | we were |
have | I have | she has | we have | I had | we had |
do | I do | she does | we do | I did | we did |
Say | I say | she says | we say | I said | we said |
👨🎓 What's 2nd person? 什么是第二人称?
👨💼 The 3 persons spoken of in grammatical construction are based on distance. 在语法结构中提到的三个人称是基于距离来确定的。
The 1st person is the one closest to you: yourself. The pronouns are I, me, my, we, us, and our. 第一人称是距离你最近的:你自己。对应的代词是 I、me、my、we、use,和 our。
The second person is the one whom you are addressing. The pronouns are you, your, and yours. 第二人称是你正在招呼的那个人。对应的代词是 you、your 和 yours。
The third person is everyone else. The pronouns are he, she, it, they, them, and theirs. 第三人称是其他所有人。代词是:he、she、it、they、them 和 theirs。
-ed 不规则动词
Present 现在时 | Past 过去式 |
walk | walked |
sleep | slept |
keep | kept |
build | built |
spend | spent |
leave | left |
leap | leapt |
lose | lost |
walk 的过去式是 walked,其他不规则单词其实也是为了发 -ed 这个后缀音,只是拼写发生改变。
Vowel-Shift Irregular Verb 元音变换动词
Vowel 元音:Your tongue didn’t touch lips, teeth, or roof of your mouth. 发音的时候你的舌头没有碰到嘴唇、牙齿或上颚。
Present 现在式 | Past 过去式 | Past Perfect 过去分词 | 备注 |
sing /sɪŋ/ | sang /sæŋ/ | sung /sʌŋ/ | |
drink /drɪŋk/ | drank /dræŋk/ | drunk /drʌŋk/ | |
win /wɪn/ | won /wʌn/ | won | 👈 过去分词和过去式一样 |
find /faɪnd/ | found /faʊnd/ | found | |
sit /sɪt/ | sat /sæt/ | sat | |
sneak /sniːk/ | sunck /snʌk/ | sunck | |
run /rʌn/ | ran /ræn/ | run | 👈 过去分词和现在式一样 |
在视频中, David 把过去分词称为 past perfect,其实更加准确的称呼应该是 past participle。
在 sing-sang-sung 中,我们发现发音的位置在移动的:
👉 sing 可以感受到发音是在鼻腔部分(也就是口腔的 前面部分)
👉 sang 发音在口腔的中间部分
👉 sung 发音到了喉咙部分
The Irregular Verb gets taken a ride 被不规则动词“骗了”
有些不规则动词也存在通过元音变换,但是它们的过去式 or 过去分词则是变为了 -en 结尾
Present 现在式 | Past 过去式 | Past Perfect 过去分词 | 备注 |
tear /ter/ | tore /tɔːr/ | torn /tɔːrn/ | |
show | showed | shown | |
prove | proved | proven | |
bite | bit | bitten | |
ride | rode | ridden | |
eat | ate | eaten | |
speak | spoke | spoken | |
be | was/were | been | |
go | went | gone | 👈 go 很奇怪,过去式 went 完全不一样,并且 gone 结尾是 -ne,但是发音却是 -en |
😅 Irregular verbs are weird. There is no denying it. But we can break them down, and they can be understood. 毫无疑问,不规则动词很奇怪。但是我们可以拆分它们,然后让他们变得更加容易理解。
The Truly Irregular Verbs 真正的不规则动词
接下来的不规则动词不符合 -ed、元音变换、-en 结尾这三种分类,他们是真正的不规则。
Change 改变 | Present 现在式 | Past 过去式 |
-ught | teach /tiːtʃ/ | taught /tɔːt/ |
catch /kætʃ/ | caught /kɔːt/ | |
bring /brɪŋ/ | brought /brɔːt/ | |
-d | say /seɪ/ | said /sed/ |
flee /fliː/ | fled /fled/ | |
过去式=现在式 | bet | bet |
set | set | |
hurt | hurt | |
情态助词 | can | could |
may | might | |
Shall | should | |
will | Would |
🏆 If you can master these, you can be a grammar champion. 如果你掌握了这些,你就可以称得上语法冠军
Verb Aspect 动词体
Verb aspect: all the possible ways of expressing something in time. 在时间上所有可能的表达方式。
🚀 我们在描述动作的时候,会分两步走:
- Tenses 时:确定动作发生的时间,是过去,现在,还是将来
- Aspect 态:确定动作发生的状态,是一般、正在进行、完成,还是完成进行
排列组合就有以下 16 种时态:
Simple Aspect 一般体
Simple aspect: 最基本的一种时态。
🚶♂️ 过去一般:I walked.
🚶♂️ 现在一般:I walk.
🚶♂️ 将来一般:I will walk.
Progressive Aspect 进行体
Progressive Aspect: Things are ongoing. 某事正在进行中。
🚶♂️ 过去进行:I was walking.
🚶♂️ 现在进行:I am walking.
🚶♂️ 将来进行:I will be walking.
ABC: Always Be Conjugating. 进行体的一个规则,就是说它的动词变为总是变为「be +」,即 be 动词+动词的 ing 形式。
conjugate /ˈkɑːndʒəɡeɪt/ 动词变位
Perfect Aspect 完成体
Perfect Aspect: Something has been completed.
🫧 过去完成:I had washed the dishes.
🫧 现在完成:I have washed the dishes.
🫧 将来完成:I will have washed the dishes.
Perfect Progressive Aspect 完成进行体
Perfect progressive aspect:
- You’ve been doing something for a long time 你花了很长时间正在做一件事
- Or you will have done something for a long time 或者你之前花了很长时间做完某事
- Or that you had been doing something continuously 或者你会继续做某一件事情
🍪 过去完成: I had been eating cookies. (之前一直在吃饼干,到现在已经吃完了)
🍪 现在完成:I have been eating cookies. (之前一直在吃饼干,到现在还继续在吃)
🍪 将来完成:I will have been eating cookies. (吃饼干花了很久的时间)
Modal Verb 情态动词
🙋 What is modality? 什么是情态?
👩🏫 Modality is expressed in these conditions: 情态是用于表达这些情况:
- Likelihood/certainty 可能性/确定性
- Ability 能力
- Permission 许可
- Obligation 义务
🔹 情态动词有:may、 might、 must、 can、 could、 shall、 should、 will、 would
🔸 情态动词特点:
- 适用于一切事物
- 没有 to- 不定式,比如没有 I to can eat.
🌰 Example:
He must have gone that way! ➡ Likelihood.
You must be this tall to ride the coaster. ➡ Obligation.
You must remove your shoes.! ➡ Obligation.
It may rain. ➡ Possibility.
You may enter. ➡ Permission.
I can eat ten pounds of broccoli! ➡ Ability.
I would make the bed, but I’m tired. ➡ Possibility.
You shouldn’t do that. ➡ Advise.
He will win the competition. ➡ Future.
在美式英语中,更多用 will,而英式英语则用 shall,来表达一种未来